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Deer Lick Run Shelters

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6/21 ~ Deer Lick Run Shelters (9.7 AT miles, 2.2 mile road walk)

Cumulative miles this trip:  64.5

Cumulative AT miles:  85.5

Tenting at this shelter. Baltimore Jack, section hikers Russell and Fred are also here. Russell was also at Devil's Racecourse Shelter with me. Today is his last day out - really nice guy. It's always nice to see young idealists. Being a vegan, he's far more idealistic than I am. He also reminds me of someone I used to know.

Blue Ridge Summit was pretty good. I did laundry, didn't get my maildrop (more on that in a bit) and had a grilled cheese, fries and some great coleslaw at a diner. I also purchased food at Zeek's convenience store since I was out. I forgot to get TP (which was, of course, in that damn maildrop), but Baltimore Jack gave me some, so I should be good on that for a while. The real problem with the maildrop is that it contains stove fuel, and I can't get Esbit fuel any old place. I'll use my remaining fuel and pick up some cheese and bread in South Mountain and find out how not cooking works for me. Hopefully, that box will turn up at Ironmasters. At this point, I am also completely without maps, so each day will be a surprise for a while.

I suppose I caused this by being ahead of my schedule for two days. I'm having some problems: blisters on my big toes, chafing on my thighs, alternating screaming knees, heel pain (but that's absent today) and chafing on my middle fingers from the poles. All this stuff comes and goes but it doesn't seem to be slowing me down any. Yet. It's 9:20 and now dusk on the longest day of the year. I should go to sleep so I can get to US Rt. 30 tomorrow.

It's also nude hiking day, but I didn't see any nude hikers. Either Russell or Fred said they saw one. (I later heard that Caboose, Raindancer and Too Obtuse all hiked nude for at least part of the day).

I did get some mail at BRS, from mom. I took the hemp salve (elbow grease) and the soap for my next shower. They both smell terrific, so thanks mom! I'll compare the hemp salve to the Bag Balm, so we'll see how it does. I'll enjoy the other products at home. You should have seen my face when I opened this big tin with a pot leaf on it right there in an outpost of The Man (USPS, in this case).