Backpacking >Caledonia State Park
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Caledonia State Park

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6/23 ~ Caledonia State Park (0 miles)

I'm resting and babying my feet here today. $13 bucks is about as cheap as a layover with a shower gets, and I figure I've earned it. I went down the hill to switch campsites and make some calls, and I saw Grizzly and No Moss again. They are now ahead of me, but I might catch up with them in Duncannon since people often lay over there.

Also whether I take time off for July 4th makes a difference. If I hike on that weekend, I will gain on some folks because most thruhikers don't hike then. I'm really bummed that this park doesn't sell postcards. I figured that they'd be better pictures than I'd take and might be kitchy to boot. Maybe Pine Grove Furnace will have some.

I've seen two snakes today - the first for me on the trail. Both were tiny infant snakes, and one was black or dark grey with a peach colored belly. The other was a garter snake. I also saw a painted turtle yesterday. I've seen one in the woods in Reston also, but this one was almost twice the size of that one at 10" in length.