Backpacking >Glen Brook Leanto
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Glen Brook Leanto

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8/15 ~ Glen Brook Leanto (2 big miles hiked (Woohoo!) )

Well, I got it together and hiked out. I'd been avoiding Mt. Everett in wet conditions, but it wasn't getting any drier today.

The ascent of .7 miles and 800 feet took me 45 minutes. That's a long time, but I didn't want to fall on those rocks. And it was all rocks going up -- rocks like PA rocks. The descent was only rocks for 100 feet, then it changed to gravel. The descent was much easier than I thought it would be. I like when that happens.

I'm heading for Tom Leonard Leanto tomorrow, 13 miles, rain or shine. It's supposed to be the "AMC Showplace" shelter in this trail section. This shelter is tiny and full. I'm on a tent platform, which works for me. The shelter is in a lovely spot, which is always a plus. It's a big hemlock grove, my favorite kind of site.

I'm now trying to talk myself into cooking dinner. I'm hungry, but it's wet out, and that just makes everything a little harder. I sure can't complain about being hot. I sweated a lot coming up Everett (or maybe not that much -- 100% humidity means all of it hangs around), but cooled way down on the descent. Now I'm actually cold. I guess cooking food would be a good idea.