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Camp Mohican

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7/13 ~ Dingman's Ferry PA (10.5 miles hiked)

I'm currently enjoying the hospitality of some nice folks in Dingman's Ferry. Good talk, hot shower, soft bed and coffee in the morning. What more could I ask for?

I started my day by crossing the Delaware River. After I went under I-80, I couldn't find the AT. I took a trail up a ridge. Blocking one of the trails was a female blackbear. She was intent on the garbage she'd taken from the can in the parking area, and since I was about 15 feet from her before I realized she was a BEAR, I backed off a few feet and took a few pictures. I backed up some more, and waited for her to go away.  Once she'd gone back into the woods, I tried to find the AT. I went back down the hill I'd just climbed and over to the other picnic/parking area. I saw Courtdog, so I knew I'd found the AT. A man was there with his two dogs, and he told us to look up in the tree. A much larger black bear was about 30 ft up a tree. I snapped a couple of that one too, but I think he'll look small and in the distance. The bears were very handsome creatures both unagressive and unafraid of humans.

I hiked up to Sunfish Pond. Wow, it was lovely. It's a glacial pond that sits at 1500 feet. There were also spectacular views of New Jersey from Kittatiny Ridge. No offense to PA, but NJ is a whole lot prettier.

The evil rocks are still with us. I'm told they continue to High Point NJ and then taper off. I'll be at High Point by Friday night.