Backpacking >Delaware Water Gap, PA
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Delaware Water Gap, PA

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7/11 ~ Delaware Water Gap (13.8 miles hiked)

Cumulative Miles this leg:  76.5

Cumulative AT Miles:  240.2

Whew! Hard day of rocks, but it was nice to have a partner in crime to commisserate with.

We were both pretty wiped out from the rocks today. There was a road walk of 2-2.5 miles (woods road, no traffic), and the rest was infamous PA rocks. There was one boulder scramble, but that was actually fun. Unfortunately, it was about .25m.  The climb down Mt. Minsi was a real knee grinder though it doesn't look that bad on the profile.

I'm currently tented behind the church hostel because the hostel is full. Well, I'd probably tent anyway. The weather is good, the lawn is flat (it's always nice to tent on grass) and according to Bronco, it smells like hikers in there.

11pm and time for bed.

7/12 ~ Delaware Water Gap (0 miles)

Took a zero and hung out in Stroudsberg and Delaware Water Gap. DWG has an excellent bakery and Stroudsberg had a good deli and a decent supermarket. Many chores were done today: laundry, sort through mail drop and bounce box, two post office trips, phone calls to the former employer and Cascade Designs (my platys are leaking. They will replace them in NY). I also responded to mail and planned my week. I've met too many thru hikers to name here.

It's just going on 9pm, but I think I'll try and get some sleep. About 2/3 of the hikers have gone to the bar, but I just don't feel like walking down and up that hill again. If beer doesn't sound worth the walk, I guess I just don't want it.