Backpacking >Wind Gap, PA
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Wind Gap, PA

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7/10 ~ Wind Gap, PA

My fortunes have improved a bit. Mule, Whittler, Trotter, Walking Home and Stitches were also unable to get a shuttle to Wind Gap, so they rented a car this morning. I crammed into a Dodge Neon with Mule, Whittler and 7 packs, but I'm now here doing laundry. I also got Carl a shuttle back here for tomorrow night, so all should be well. I'll stay at the hostel in DWG and hit the PO there on Monday morning where I will be reunited with my POLES!

The aforementioned crew have slacked virtually all of PA. I tried slacking (from Pine Grove to Boiling Springs) but I didn't particularly like it. I may try it again in a hike-to-my-pack situation instead of a hike-to-a-ride thing. I hated having a schedule and not having the freedom to just stop when I got tired. I did 20 miles in 9.5 hours, and it was very difficult. I should have taken 11 or 12 hours to do that section.)

I really hope Carl has fun out here. It will be great to have some company. I have plenty of company, actually, but no one who really knows me, and that's what's missing. I'm taking it pretty easy this weekend. It's only 15.8 miles to DWG and we've got until 6pm Sunday to make it there. Such luxury.

7/10 ~ Random Campsite above Wind Gap, PA (2 miles hiked)

It's pretty late, so I'll just say that we started up the hill at 7pm and went until we found a good site.

It's perfect sleeping weather, so I think I'll do that now.